The Department of Education, Children and Young People is about to launch into another round of advertising for The Line campaign, which encourages adults to stop and think about how they interact and communicate with school staff.
The campaign was first launched in 2021, and also ran across 2022 and 2023 with the key message “disrespecting school staff is crossing the line – simple as that.”
Disrespectful behaviour is not only physical and verbal. It can appear in the form of gossip, an angry email or a social media post. This particular round of advertising will focus on the rising issue of ‘keyboard warriors’ and how actions in the online world can have a real-world impact on the person receiving the communication.
Advertising will take place across TV, online, social media and bus backs from 2 September – 28 September and 28 October – 1 December.
Our schools should be respectful, positive and safe places – for students, teachers, school staff and the whole school community.
To achieve this, it’s important that all adults work together and communicate respectfully to get the best outcomes for the kids.
Help us to eliminate offensive behaviour towards school staff and create safe, respectful and positive environments in Tasmanian schools. For more information head to our page Respect In Our Schools.
Check out the new TV commercial below.