Key information

  • We all want the same thing – for children to be safe and well at home with their families.
  • Our Intensive Family Engagement Service (IFES) is used when there are concerns about children and young people.
  • IFES provide intensive support to families to reduce safety concerns for children, so they can remain safely in their family home.
  • Sometimes with the right support, positive changes happen.

How does it work?

It’s a voluntary program for parents. If you agree to get involved, you’ll have to sign a consent form.

We will help you:

  • understand what our concerns are about your child’s safety and wellbeing
  • look at what your family needs are, and come up with a plan on how to address them
  • set up a family meeting to do up a safety plan
  • help to make sure that you and your children have people in your lives who can help you when you need them – services, friends and family.

What next?

When you’ve reached your goals and we all agree your children are safe, we can continue to support you with a less-intensive support service, for as long as you need.

A mum’s experience

Mum Hazel* has turned her and her son’s life around. It started with Hazel’s brave decision to voluntarily take part in IFES. She wanted to share her story, in hope of helping other families:

  • “This program completely changed my son’s and my life.
  • I was terrified, I didn’t know if I could parent.
  • My worker listened to me, and taught me different ways to parent my child.
  • I was more confident as a parent, and a best friend to my son. I understood his needs and how to help him.
  • I was at rock bottom. This program was the stepping stone I needed to move forward.
  • Many families could benefit from this program.
  • If you’re here, voluntarily or not, don’t be afraid to lean into the program and trust your worker. They want the best for your family.”
    *Name changed for confidentiality.