Key information

  • When the Child Safety Service is involved (which is never the child’s fault), we make sure the child or young person has their own care team.
  • The care team is committed to working together to meet the child or young person’s needs.
  • Children and young people can express their views and wishes around decisions being made about them.
  • You can be a part of your care team as often as you like, in a way that suits you.

What is a care team?

Care teams work with children, young people and their families and carers.

They get to know you, and are committed to making sure you’re safe, healthy and happy.

Everyone works to share the decisions and make plans together.

Who is in your care team?

You can have a say about who is in your care team.

They’re usually made up of people important in your life including:

  • family members and caregivers, friends and relatives
  • professionals such as your Child Safety Officer, teacher, placement supports and health professionals.

Everyone on your care team has different strengths, so they can all help in different ways to meet your needs.

There are also Unit Coordinators to help your care team. They help with administrative work such as passports, birth certificates, ID, bank accounts and pocket money.

What do we talk about?

Talk to your care team about:

  • what’s going well
  • what you’re worried about
  • what needs to change.

We also talk about the six domains of wellbeing, which are to:

  • be loved and safe
  • have the things you need (material basics)
  • be healthy
  • be learning
  • be participating
  • have a positive sense of culture and identity.

How often do we meet?

You can meet with members of your care team as often as you like and talk about whatever is important to you.

It could be in person, by phone or video call, or text message.

Our working times are 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Learn more

Check out the care team flyer (PDF, 887KB).