Why am I doing the survey?

Your wellbeing matters to us. We want to understand how your wellbeing impacts on your ability to learn. The results of this survey will help your school to better understand how to support you and other students. All of your answers will be confidential.

Will all my school friends be doing the survey?

All students in Years 4–12 undertake the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Survey. The 2024 Survey will be conducted from 26 August 2024 to 20 September 2024. Your teachers will let you know the specific details, closer to the survey period. 

Do I have to do the survey?

All students in your school in Years 4 – 12 will be encouraged to do the survey. However, it is not compulsory, and you can stop at any point during the survey. If you do complete the survey, this will help us to understand how we can better support everyone’s wellbeing at your school.

If you’d rather not do this survey, that’s fine. If you’d rather not answer specific questions in this survey, that’s fine too. You will not lose marks if you do not complete the survey.

Is it a test? Do I need to be prepared?

You don’t have to prepare anything– this is not a test. It’s an opportunity for you to have a say about how you feel, and what you think, about different things going on in your life. There are no right or wrong answers. This survey will help us better understand and support all our students. You will have different feelings or reactions from other students, which is why it’s important for you to tell us what you think.

How long will it take?

It should take you about 20–45 minutes to complete. Take your time, it’s important that you don’t rush your answers and if you don’t complete the Survey in one go, you can talk to your teacher about completing the options for completing the rest at another time.

What are some of the questions that I will be asked?

The Survey asks questions about your wellbeing by providing statements, and instructions for you to answer with how often these statements apply to you or how strongly you agree with the statement.

Some examples of these are:

  • At my school, there is a teacher or another adult who listens to me when I have something to say.
  • Teachers and students treat each other with respect at this school.
  • How often do you eat breakfast?
  • How often do you get a good night’s sleep?
  • I have more good times than bad times.
  • I worry a lot about things at school.
  • If I need extra help, I will receive it from my teachers.
  • I work hard on learning.
  • My past experiences have prepared me well for the future.
  • I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.
  • I feel like I belong at this school.
  • I feel that I usually fit in with other kids around me.

Do I have to answer all the questions? Can I stop the survey part way through?

You don’t have to do the survey if you don’t want to. You can also choose whether you don’t want to answer some specific questions. And you can stop at any time– it’s completely your choice.

What will happen with my answers?

Your answers will be combined with all of your classmates and will be put into a report. The report will tell us generally about the wellbeing of all students who did the survey at your school.

We will not be able to see your answers. Your individual answers will not be shared with your teacher or the school. Instead, your answers will be mixed in with all other students in your grade.

If the questions upset me or if I feel I need to talk to someone, who can I go to?

Before starting the survey, everyone will be given a form on which you can tick a box to let your teacher know that you would like to talk to someone. Everyone must hand back this form, even if they don’t need help, which means that it won’t be obvious to everyone else if you have ticked that box.

After this at any stage, if you think that you would like to talk to someone, you can always approach your classroom teacher, or someone you trust at your school or outside of school, and you can also discuss any concerns with your parents or carers.

There are also always other options available for support.

For emergencies, always contact 000.

Some other helpful contacts include: