Key information

  • We’re committed to protecting children and young people, and treating everyone with respect.
  • You may wish to make a complaint about our service by phoning (03) 6166 3526.
  • Your complaint could be about a decision we’ve made, the service you’ve received or staff behaviour.

Formal complaint

If you have a complaint, please contact us:

It’s preferable to talk through your concerns with our Client Liaison Officer over the phone.

If you make a complaint by email, please provide as much information as possible. This includes:

  • details of who was involved
  • date it happened
  • attach any documents you have to support your complaint
  • describe what would you like to see happen to resolve your concerns
  • include your contact details.

Your complaint will be treated confidentially.

If you’re not fully satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can ask for it to be reviewed by the Ombudsman Tasmania: