Glen Dhu Primary School will undergo a redevelopment of the existing kindergarten general learning area and outdoor spaces to create new multi-purpose contemporary learning spaces to improve the teaching and learning opportunities.

The project is a part of the Tasmanian Government’s $10 million Contemporary Classrooms Program.


The initial stage of community engagement informs development of a concept plan.
Community engagement is now closed.

The project initiation stage sees the commencement of project planning, documentation and engagement with the school community.

This phase will see the development of a concept plan for the works.

The second stage of engagement provides opportunity for the community to review the concept plan via this website and other channels.
Community engagement is now closed.

Design development of the approved concept plan has been tendered for construction.

Construction is expected to commence in April 2024.

Construction is expected to be completed in September 2024.

Current Status


Construction Commencement


Expected Completion



State Government - $750,000