Key information

  • Many people who are adopted have a desire to know about and perhaps meet their birth parents. 
  • All requests for access to information are handled confidentially.
  • For help accessing information about your adoption, please contact us on
    (03) 6166 0422.

Accessing and registering for adoption information

Often, people who were adopted want to know more about their background to gain a better understanding of who they are.

The Adoption Act 1988 ensures adoptees have the right to know about their origins and identity. Under the Act, adoptees must be provided with access to their pre-adoptive birth record and other records associated with their adoption.

The Act also recognises that:

  • many birth parents wish to know how their child’s future turned out, and
  • adoptive parents may need information from the child’s birth family to help them in their roles as parents.

The Act provides for an Adoption Information Service and an Adoption Information Register. The Register and Information Service help everyone involved in an adoption. This includes adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents and birth relatives.

The services help those involved, to:

  • obtain information from adoption records, and
  • express their wishes about the exchange of information with each other, including making arrangements to meet if they wish to do so.

The Act also recognises that all people affected by adoption have a right to privacy, and the Adoption Register allows people to register a veto against contact.

Adoption Information Service and Adoption Information Register

The Adoption Act 1988 provides for an Adoption Information Service and an Adoption Information Register.  

The services help those involved, to:

  • obtain information from adoption records, and
  • express their wishes about the exchange of information with each other, including making arrangements to meet if they wish to do so.

The Act also recognises that all people affected by adoption have a right to privacy, and the Adoption Register allows people to register a veto against contact.

Counselling interview

All persons seeking information who are residents of Tasmania are required to attend an interview with a counsellor before receiving information of any kind.  

The purpose of counselling is to:

  • explain your rights
  • make sure you fully understand the rights of others, and to
  • help you consider some of the matters that may arise in search and reunion.

There is no fee for counselling.

Adopted people

As an adopted person on reaching the age of 18 years you are entitled to a:

  • Certificate allowing access to your original birth record. This is referred to as your Section 80 Certificate.
  • The name of your birth mother and possibly the name of your birth father if recorded.
  • If a Contact Veto has been registered, you will be required to sign, before being given the information, an Undertaking not to contact the person.
  • You may register your wishes about:
    • Exchange of non-identifying information
    • Exchange of identifying information
    • Contact with your birth parents or relatives
    • Veto on contact.

If you are not yet 18 years old, the written agreement of your adoptive parents is needed before any information can be given to you.

Information which could identify your birth parents, and access to your original birth record cannot be given to you unless we can obtain the written agreement of the birth parent or parents who consented to your adoption. You may ask for the Adoption Information Service to seek this written agreement.

Adoptive parents

As an adoptive parent you can register your wishes about:

  • Exchange of non-identifying information
  • Exchange of identifying information
  • Contact with the birth parents of your adopted child (if he or she is under 18 years old)
  • Your adopted child’s contact with his or her birth parents (if he or she is under 18 years old)
  • You may register your wish not to be contacted.

Birth parents and other birth relatives

Birth parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings, or lineal descendants may register.

You are entitled to:

  • Information held on the adoption record about yourself and the adopted person. This will include the adoptive name of your relative. If a contact veto is in place, you will be required to sign a undertaking not to contact the person.
  • If your relative is not yet 18 years old, the written agreement of all parents is needed before any identifying information can be given to you. You may ask for the Adoption Information Service to seek this written agreement.

Contact veto

All parties may register a veto on contact.

Your identifying information will only be given out if the person requesting the information signs a legally binding undertaking not to contact you in any way.

You may like to leave a message with the veto. For example – family medical history, if you are happy, married, have children and so on.

You must include your address with a request to register a Contact Veto. A veto will not be recorded unless your name, date of birth and address are provided. Your address will remain confidential.


Fees are usually increased on an annual basis. Please contact the Adoption Information Service for current fees.

Registration only

  • The Registration Only Fee places you on the Adoption Information Register
  • This means your wishes are known and can be followed if someone registers to seek information about you
  • This includes a Contact Veto

Registration only cost – $37.40

Request for information

  • You must be registered already to apply for information
  • The fee is payable when the service is requested.

Request for information cost – $93.50

The Registration and request for information fee

  • The Registration and Information Fee applies to all requests for information
  • This includes requests for access to the original birth record.
  • The fee is payable at the time of registration.

Registration and request for information cost – $130.90

Fees may be reduced in some circumstances where payment in full would cause hardship. There is no charge for counselling.

All fees will be waived for adoptions that occurred prior to 1988 in recognition of forced adoption practices.

Next steps to register for information

If you would like a registration form sent to you please post the following details to the Adoption Information Service:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Postcode
  • Whether a plain envelope is required

Post the details to:

Adoption Information Service
GPO Box 538

All enquiries are confidential. NO information will be given to unauthorised persons.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Adoption Information Register?

The Register is a list of names and addresses of people affected by adoption, with details of their wishes about exchange or disclosure of information and contact. Entries may be altered or cancelled whenever you wish.

Should I register if I do not want contact?

Yes. Your wish can then be passed on to any relative who applies for information. A contact veto is legally binding.

Do you assist in search and contact?

Yes, when requested and subject to any wishes recorded by another person. You may carry out your own search if you wish.

How will I be contacted if an agency is approached by someone looking for information or contact?

With discretion and regard for your rights to privacy. Normally this will be by a letter to you at the most recent address on the Electoral Roll.

What happens if the person whose agreement is needed has died?

Evidence of that person’s death, for example, a copy of the death certificate, will be needed to allow the release of information.

What kinds of enquiry are given priority?

Priority will be given to requests from adopted persons aged over 45 years, birth parents over 60 years and in circumstances where medical conditions justify urgency.

Contact us

For help accessing information about your adoption, please contact the Adoption team:

Phone: (03) 6166 0422
