Key information

  • The CFLC Quality Improvement Tool (CFLC QI Tool) guides the quality of CFLC practices
  • It can be used by individuals and teams within CFLCs, service partners, advisory groups and families
  • The CFLC QI Tool can be downloaded from this page

CFLC Quality Improvement Tool

The Child and Family Learning Centre Quality Improvement Tool (CFLC QI Tool) is designed to drive the learning and improvement of CFLCs. This will help to create the conditions that support children’s lifelong wellbeing, learning and successful transitions to school.

The CFLC QI Tool has five ‘quality domains’ that are broad interconnected areas common to all CFLCs:

  • Early learning
  • Family engagement
  • Integrated services
  • CFLC leadership and staffing
  • CFLC enablers

The CFLC QI Tool is based on evidence that supports children and families to thrive. It has been co-designed with CFLC teams, service partners, advisory groups, and families to:

  • assess CFLC quality
  • reflect and learn about how to improve CFLC quality
  • inform CFLC improvement planning, monitoring and review processes
  • identify areas for development.

How the Tool can help

The CFLC QI Tool and supporting resources are flexible and adaptable, to:

  • help users identify elements that are on track or holding them back, in their own context
  • respond to user’s needs in a way that makes the most sense for them, including families, team members and service partners.

By assessing collective quality across the CFLC Network, the CFLC QI Tool will also be used by the Department for Education, Children and Young People, to:

  • enhance system-wide strategy and planning
  • inform system-wide policy development
  • inform external review processes.

Download the Toolkit

Supporting resources

A full toolkit of resources has been developed to help embed quality improvement practices into everyday activities at CFLCs.

To access the full list of resources, please contact Early Years Partnerships at

DECYP staff – please visit the CFLC Quality Improvement Tool (sharepoint) page.


Please contact Early Years Partnerships at for further information.