This article contains information about child sexual abuse that some people may find distressing. You will find a link to support resources at the bottom.

Keeping children safe and well so they can engage in learning and have bright lives and positive futures is the Department for Education, Children and Young People’s greatest commitment and highest priority.

Today, the Premier has released the Government’s response to the Commission of Inquiry report and recommendations – Keeping Children Safe and Rebuilding Trust. This will be followed by two days of Scrutiny Hearings next Tuesday and Wednesday, 5 and 6 December.

DECYP’s commitment to putting children at the centre of everything we do will increase their safety and the community’s trust in the Department.

We are committed to making transformational changes that will make a real difference and protect children and young people now and into the future.

We have learnt from our failures, and we are acting to ensure these atrocities of the past are never repeated. It is now time to look to the future and make Tasmania safe for all children and young people, and to heal from the past.

The Government response will guide our continuing work across all areas in Youth Justice; Children and Families, including Out of Home Care and Child Safety; and across Education and Schools, Child and Family Learning Centres, and Libraries around the State. 

It will put in place a range of initiatives and actions to improve our systems and services to keep children and young people safer.

The Government have committed to a six-year reform agenda and timelines proposed by the Commission, with key milestones in 2024, 2026 and 2029.

We will continue to keep you updated on the Departments ongoing response.

If you think you may need support, please visit the Keeping Children Safe website.