Running the Premier’s Reading Challenge at your school


You’ll need to nominate a PRC coordinator for your school. A PRC Coordinator’s role is to promote the Challenge at the school, and to be the point-of-contact for students, families, school staff and the PRC Team. 

School registrations have now closed.

Please contact the team at for any questions.

Ideas for encouraging students

There are lots of ways for you to help encourage students to not only participate in the Challenge, but also keep their motivation levels high when they do. 

  • include information about the Challenge and regular updates in the school newsletter
  • publicly recognise students who are participating or present a school award when students complete the Challenge – check out the PRC Well Done and Excellent Effort certificates under our Resources page.
  • celebrate individual reading achievements throughout the Challenge for students who reach a personal goal, encourage or support others with reading, or choose to read above and beyond
  • Use the school’s Home Reader Program to encourage parents to support the Challenge and monitor their child’s progress during the year
  • Share updates, reading tips, and success stories (remember to tag us by tagging us or emailing us at
  • students’ photos can be displayed on a special board
  • students can place a star next to their name on a chart when they have read a book
  • include reading time in your daily classroom program
  • encourage students to write reviews of books they have read and to share these with other students
  • incorporate the Challenge into home reading and home learning
  • create in-house rewards systems for student participation and achievement
  • plan how you will acknowledge PRC participation this year, e.g. as part of a school assembly or morning tea celebration.