Annual and quarterly data on attendance, suspensions, and student retention.

Student participation and engagement are key priorities and are foundational to learning.

Overall attendance rates are for Prep to Year 10 only.

Annual attendance data is available in the Excel file below:

State Attendance Rate 2024


as at end of Term 1, 2024

Average daily attendance rate (by year level)

The table below shows year to date data on average daily attendance rate (most recent term) by year level for students in Tasmanian government schools.

Average Daily Attendance Rate by Student Year Level 2024 (as at end of Term 1)

Year LevelAverage daily attendance (%)
Year 191.1
Year 291.1
Year 391.0
Year 490.6
Year 589.7
Year 688.9
Year 786.5
Year 881.9
Year 979.4
Year 1078.9
Year 1176.2
Year 1274.9

Previous years’ data can be found in the Excel file below.

Rates are based on the number of actual student days attended during the year as a percentage of the number of possible student days attended. Prep to Year 10 Rates are calculated using part-of-day methodology. 

Year 11 & 12 Rates are calculated using session minutes methodology. Note the Tasmanian eSchool and Ashley School are not included in state level attendance figures.

Student attendance by school and year level group

Annual figures on Prep to Year 12 attendance by school and year level group can be found in the Excel file below.

Proportion of students suspended (state)

The panel below shows year to date (most recent term) data on the proportion of students suspended overall in Tasmanian Government Schools. Previous years’ data can be found in the Excel file below.

Proportion of Students Suspended 2024


As at end of Term 1, 2024

Previous years’ data can be found in the Excel below.

The proportion of students includes all students in Prep to Year 12 enrolled in Tasmanian Government Schools, except for students enrolled in the Ashley School.

Proportion of students suspended (by year level)

The table below shows year to date (most recent term) data on proportion of students suspended by year level for in Tasmanian government schools.

Proportion of students suspended by year level 2024 (as at end of Term 1)

Year LevelProportion of students suspended (%)
Year 10.8
Year 20.7
Year 30.9
Year 41.3
Year 52.3
Year 62.8
Year 77.7
Year 89.3
Year 98.4
Year 106.6
Year 111.5
Year 120.8

Previous years’ data can be found in the Excel file below.

The proportion of students includes all students in Prep to Year 12 enrolled in Tasmanian government schools, except for students enrolled in the Ashley School. Due to calculation method proportions may not add to 100%. Reported figures may differ from previous years due to rounding errors.

Suspension reasons

The table below shows annual data on the proportion of students suspended for reasons that are unacceptable behaviours under the Education Act 2016.

Reason category Proportion of students
2023 Annual (%)
Any other behaviour that a Principal determines to be unacceptable behaviour0.9
Behaviour or actions that cause, or are likely to cause, injury to persons or damage to property0.5
Behaviour that is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the staff or other students3.7
Behaviour that is likely to bring that school into disrepute0.2
Behaviour that is likely to impede significantly the learning of the other students of that school0.4
Behaviour that is likely to put a person at risk of harm0.8
Bullying or cyberbullying0.2
Contravening school rules and policies0.9
Disobedience of instructions which regulate the conduct of students2.3
Harassment or stalking0.2
Illegal behaviour1.0
Sexualised behaviour0.2
Threatening behaviour1.3
Unsociable behaviour1.2

Previous years’ data can be found in the Excel file below.

The sum of the proportion of students by reason will be more than total proportion of students suspended due to students having more than one suspension for different reasons.

The proportion of students includes all students in DECYP schools, with the exception of students enrolled in the Ashley School.

Historical figures may differ slightly due to improvements in data cleaning and reporting.

Student Retention Years 10-12

Student retention performance reporting includes both direct retention and apparent retention rates from Years 10 – 12 in Tasmanian government schools.

Direct Retention

Direct retention is based on tracking individual students from the mid-year census of Year 10 in government schools, to the mid-year census of Year 12 in government schools.

% retained to 2023
Direct retention to Year 12 –
showing the proportion of Year 10 students (two years prior) retained to Aug in Year 12

Apparent Retention

Apparent Retention Rates for Years 10 – 12 measure the number of Year 12 students in government schools divided by the number of Year 10 students in government schools two years prior, without tracking individual students.

% retained to 2023
Apparent retention rate –
Years 10-12 for government schools (full-time)

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) notes that care should be exercised in the interpretation of apparent retention rates as the method of calculation does not take into account a range of factors, such as movement between the government and nongovernment sector and interstate/international migration.