Acceleration of Gifted Students Procedures (PDF, 498 KB)
This procedure outlines the process for schools and colleges to accelerate gifted students.

Australian School Based Apprenticeship Policy (PDF, 564 KB)
This policy outlines the responsibilities and requirements associated with a school student participating in a school based apprenticeship.

Early Entry to School for Children who are Gifted – Cross Sectoral Guidelines (PDF, 459 KB)
These cross sectoral guidelines provide details relating to Ministerial Instruction No 15 Early Entry to School, which specifies the requirements for early enrolment of children who are gifted.

Out-of-Area Enrolment Procedure (PDF, 528 KB)
This procedure outlines the process for assessing applications for Out of Area (OOA) enrolments at State schools from Kindergarten to Year 10.

Part-Time Enrolment of a Home Educated Student Guidelines (PDF, 483 KB)
This guideline outlines the processes for assessing an application for part-time enrolment of a home educated student in a school.

Temporary Resident Program (TRP) Fee Relief Policy (PDF, 358 KB)